At least something I know

Chapter 8 – Plan Your Product.  Doing mental jumping for joy right now.  At least I know very well how to write user stories and practicing agile software development.  That’s been my job for a while.  Hooray for me!

Since I have mostly worked on the backend, there is a whole lot of FE work I am not familiar with, like wire framing with Balsamic Mockups.

When I landed from Jumping for joy, this was what waited for me: “Rails can be particularly challenging when it comes to integrating graphic design with code.  Rails uses a hybrid of HTML markup mixed with Ruby programming code in its view files (depending on the stack you’ve selected, the view files can use ERB, Haml, or other syntaxes for mixing HTML and Ruby)”  Huh? WTF, RoR!

And then, Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation.  This was like never-ending clues that would not lead to any answers.  Someone left me a clue on my table: “open the red box, you will find the answer”.  In the red box, there was a piece of paper that said, “open the blue box, you will find the answer.” In the blue box, the strip of the paper spelt out, “open the yellow box, you will find the answer.”

I wanted to scream. Do you think I am a fucking child, being led around and around for entertainment?!


Software development process.  Yep, I have been practicing a mix of Agile and Scrum.  Mostly good, some improvements are needed, as all processes.

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